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The Mean of Life
The Mean of Life
by Charles Sundt 1996

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The Meaning of Life:
The purpose of the existence of human beings and other animals.

The Mean of Life:
The young man, as many other young men were doing that afternoon, was walking home from town by himself as he had done almost every day of his life. As usual, he slouched slightly, watching the tarmac move by beneath his feet as he put each leg in front of the other. His hands lay in his pockets, collecting sweat. It was an average day in a normal life.

Everything we do has infinite consequences.

He kicked a stone. Not out of anger or brutality, but because it was there. Just like any other young man would have done. His eyes were slightly diverted as a young woman walked past. He subconsciously analysed the probability of her availability, her character, her worth, all he could in a glance - without knowing it. Just like any other young man would have done.

We are all the Lord. We are all infinite.

He continued his steady pace, not breaking from the necessity of routine. He watched the trees roll by. He watched the houses disappear into the perspective. He ignored his impatient stomach. He humoured his cluttered mind. He artificially enjoyed his linear world.

The Meaning of Life cannot be told, only found.

Then he saw it. A bird. Just an ordinary bird. He watched as the bird flew in circles near the ground. He stopped walking. The bird hesitated and quickly dived, jerking its head when it reached the ground. He was standing there, agog. The bird flew up, and he saw a worm in its mouth. He was in awe. The bird gracefully curved up through the air, landing in a tree. He was stunned! He realized there was a nest hidden in the branches, filled with diamond beaks reaching, screeching for the food that was just coming their way.

We are too complex to understand ourselves. We cannot understand the Lord. We must not.

His eyes lost their focus. He was rooted to the spot, amazed. He Knew. He couldn't believe it. It was so simple - so obvious! He had just discovered a Truth! It seemed so obvious now, but when he tried to think about it he couldn't pinpoint it. It was a fleeting idea - a piece of the Meaning of Life!

We will all, unfortunately, live forever.

He had to talk to someone else who Knew. He realized that everybody must eventually Know, but it was impossible to pass on the Truth. He wondered if he would eventually discover other Truths, until he Knew everything: the Meaning of Life... maybe only at the point of his death.

Everything is black and white when you Know. The monkey mated with the monkey and the first Human was born.

He looked around him. Routine cowered behind the ether for a while. He was enlightened. He took advantage of the high, recognising that he would fall back into his normal world soon. He saw so many things around him that hinted towards Truths, but he had never seen them before. He had walked past every one, being too naive - too young to notice that each one hid a Truth! He saw another person walking by. He inhaled, taking in the atmosphere. Alright, he was ready to wait for the next Truth to reveal itself. He decided to slip back into the Mean of Life...

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